Sunday, 2 February 2014

Ill Manors: TEDx Lecture

1. What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies?

Plan B believes that children these days resort to drugs and commit crimes is because of how they have been brought up and where they have been brought up. Their parents probably didn't care what their kids got up to because they may have been drug addicts and alcoholics. He also believes that there is not enough support for young people nowadays this is why they turn to violence and drugs. The government is rich enough yet they don't help the younger generation this is Plan B's ideology. The social media portrays young people in a negative and bad way by always highlighting the bad things they do and never highlighting the positive things. Social media only look at one side of the story and only look at it how they want to, they don't look at why they have committed these crimes. Plan B wants to change the way young people are portrayed.

2. Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Pychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?

The target audience for this TEDx lecture are people who are fans of Plan B so they can understand why he made the film and people who are constantly judging young people just because they have made bad choices and some mistakes. This lecture could also be targeted at young adults and teenagers that need some advice or even a role model to look up to as Plan B is trying to motivate younger teenagers/adults to do something positive and something they enjoy doing. The psychographic group are reformers this is because they believe in freedom, personal growth and seek enlightenment. In addition, his target audience for his music is what reformers would listen to as they can relate to what he raps about.

3. What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics?

Plan B doesn't like the way the media portrays young teenagers/adults as they are the reason that there are so many stereotypes for them. Some of them include, criminals, chavs. This makes them hate society as they are being rejected by society and put into their own category which is negative. Cohen's media theory of moral panic can link to this as he says that the media doesn't represent the good in young people, this challenges the dominant view of young teenagers/adults.

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